- Blowhole
1/ This photo shows Pirates Bay on the right and Cape Hauy on the extreme left horizon.
2/ This photo shows the white sand beach of Pirates Bay just south of the Tesselated Pavement.
3/ The Tesselated Pavement has been formed by the pounding action of the waves over aeons of time.
4/ This close up shows the brick like pattern of the Pavement. The boy on the left gives you some idea of the size of the stones.
1/ The Blowhole is a sheer 100 metre cut into the cliff line by wave action over aeons of time.
2/ From the lookout you peer down into the chasm 100 metres below you.
3/ A huge natural arch joins the two halves of the chasm.
4/ From the sea side you can further appreciate the true size of the chasm.
5/ Nearby is this much smaller wave formed cave.
6/ This is the jetty at Eaglehawk Bay. Beyond you can see the Eaglehawk Neck settlement.
7/ This view looks south from Eaglehawk Neck all the way to the rocks called the Lanterns at Cape Hauy about 20 km away. There is a great boat tour from Pirates Bay that goes past the Lanterns all the way to Tasman Island before returning.
1/ The Dunalley settlement is at the top of the Tasman Peninsula in south eastern Tasmania. At Dunalley you cross a bridge over the Denison Canal to enter the Tasman Peninsula. At the southern end of the Tasman Peninsula is the famous heritage site of Port Arthur. This photo shows the new Bakery to the right and the new walkway to the left. In the distance is the bridge across the Denison Canal. This bridge marks a special exclusion zone, where a great effort is being made to keep a wild population of Tasmanian devils free from the Devil Facial Tumour Disease.
2/ This is the old general store of Dunalley. Beyond you can see the blackened forest that still surrounded Dunalley, when I visited in December 2015. In January 2013 a terrible bush fire devastated Dunalley and parts of the Tasman Peninsula. The old general store was a fortunate survivor.
3/ Another fortunate survivor of the bush fire was the historic Dunalley Hotel. The Dunalley Hotel is famous for its locally caught sea food.
4/ This view was taken from the bridge at Dunalley and looks south down the Denison Canal towards Dunalley Bay. The canal was built to shorten to time for traders and fishing boats commuting between Hobart and the east coast of Tasmania.
5/ This is the phoenix statue on the new walkway by the Dunalley Canal. It symbolizes the determination of the people of Dunalley to rise from the ashes and rebuild their town. You can help Dunalley by stopping there and buying things.