Triabunna & Buckland
1/ Orford is just south of Triabunna on the south east coast of Tasmania. It is a small town with great beaches and good fishing. Orford is located where the Prosser River is crossed by a large bridge.
2/ There are a number of shops in Orford including this attractive modern cafe.
3/ Orford provides moorings for many small pleasure boats. They were all out this day.
4/ This shows the beautiful sands of Raspins Beach just north of Orford town, which you can see on the extreme left. Orford boasts three other lovely beaches.
5/ From Raspins Beach you can see Mt Maria on Maria Island about 15 kilometres away.
6/ The Prosser River flows out into the Tasman Sea via Orford. It is quite wide near Orford.
1/Triabunna is a fishing town on the south east coast of Tasmania. It is very close to four great beaches at nearby Orford. The Maria Island Ferry departs from Triabunna.
2/ This photo shows boats in the Triabunna Marina looking towards Spring Bay. Beyond is the entrance to the Tasman Sea.
3/ This is one of the trawlers which regularly fish in the nearby Tasman Sea.
4/ This is the Maria Island Ferry, which is the main contact vessel with between Triabunna and Maria Island.
5/ The Victorian era Spring Bay Hotel dominates the nearby Triabunna Waterfront.
6/ This grand old Georgian style hotel was its great rival.
7/ These two Georgian era houses are located close to the Triabunna Waterfront and have great restoration potential.
8/ This is the attractive, modern RSL (war veterans association) club in Triabunna.
9/ In the adjacent park of Triabunna is this 25 pounder howitzer.
10/ Triabunna boasts two quaint Victorian era churches.
11/ There are a number of Victorian cottages in Triabunna.
1/ Buckland is a hamlet in south east Tasmania about 15 kilometres west of Orford. It has a Gothic Restoration style church, which is famous for its stain glass windows.
2/ This is the entrance gate to the church at Buckland. You pass by ancient graves just as in a medieval English church. I think, though, that the modern wood sculpture is way out of place.
3/ This is the cemetery looking towards the old church of Buckland.
4/ This old baptism font at Buckland was built in a medieval style.
5/ This is full view looking towards the altar of the Buckland church. The bars across the roof are a modern addition.
6/ This largest and most complex stain glass window at Buckland is one above the altar. It clearly shows the skill of the 19th Century craftsmen, Michael O'Connor.
7/ This stain glass would stand proudly in any ancient church in Europe.
8/ I thought that this stain glass was the most skillful.
9/ This skillful stain glass seemed to be of the same style as the one above.
10/ This stain glass is simply and lovely.
11/ This stain glass window looked more modern. It was probably made in the 20th Century to fill in a missing window frame
12/ The ancient inn is another attraction of Buckland.
13/ There are a number of attractive old homes in the hamlet of Buckland.