SWANSEA & Nine Mile Beach
- Nine Mile Beach
1/ Swansea in on the east coast of Tasmania. This is a view of Mayfield Bay and beach, which is just south of Swansea. This area is one of the most beautiful in Tasmania and is a favorite holiday destination.
2/ This view is looking east from Shelly Point towards Schouten Island. The island is just south of the Freycinet Peninsula National Park.
3/ Spiky Bridge is just south of Swansea. It was built by convicts in the 1850s and is noteworthy for its strange spiky parapet.
4/ This is the icon view of Swansea. It is a lovely beach town, with many facilities, great beaches and great views of the Freycinet Peninsula across Great Oyster Bay.
5/ Swansea is a beach side holiday venue with many facilities for tourists. Shown is a children's park, beyond it is Jubilee Beach.
6/ This is one of the oldest buildings in the town. Swansea began as a whaling port.
7/ This is a restored gentleman's style Colonial house. Swansea prides itself on being a tidy town.
8/ This is the restored Colonial era hall of Swansea.
9/ Schouten House is a Georgian era gentleman's house of Swansea. It now offers accommodation adjacent to Schouten Beach.
10/ The higher streets of Swansea have great views across Great Oyster Bay.
11/ This Georgian house is Meredith House. It now offers Colonial style accommodation.
12/ The old Anglican church of Swansea is a great example of the Gothic Restoration style.
13/ This colonial era house is now the museum of Swansea.
14/ This large Colonial building was once an office for the Swansea area.
15/ This large Colonial building was once a school.
16/ There are a variety of attractive shops in Swansea.
17/ This is Nine Mile Beach. It is a lovely 15 kilometre beach just north of Swansea with great views of the Hazards Range. The town of Swansea is to the left.
18/ This is Schouten Beach. A walking track around the golf course to Swansea begins a the top left. On the distant horizon is the Freycinet Peninsula.
19/ This was the lovely view out of our hotel window. It looked across Great Oyster Bay towards the settlement of Coles Bay. Beyond Coles Bay is the Hazards Range.
20/ Just outside our window was this statue of a Thylacine or Tasmanian Tiger. This animal is supposed to be extinct, but many Tasmanians regularly claim to have seen them.
1/ Nine Mile Beach is just north of Swansea on the east coast of Tasmania. This beach is 16 kilometres of pure white sands with great views across Great Oyster Bay to the Hazards Range on the Freycinet Peninsula. We went with friends and we took 2 cars. One car was parked at the southern end of the beach and one car was parked at the top end of the beach at Bagot Point. We then walked the 16 kilometres in between.
2/ This image was taken at the start of our walk and looks north east. On the horizon to the left is the settlement of Coles Bay. To the right is the Hazards Range on the Freycinet Peninsula.
3/ This image looks south west back towards Swansea. You can not directly access Nine Mile Beach from Swansea, as a large creek bars the way. You do need to drive to it. Parallel to this beach is Dolphin Sands Road, which services hundreds of holiday houses, one of which you can see on the distant right of this image.
4/ At the start of the walk you can look back towards a distant Swansea.
5/ As you walk north east the beautiful Hazards Range steadily grows in size. Finally at the extreme north eastern end of the beach at Bagot Point, the beach ends at a small bay. Just across this bay are, running from left to right, the peaks of mounts Parson, Amos and Dove. In the far distance on the right is Mt Freycinet.
6/ This is the end of the Nine Mile Beach at Bagot Point. Across Swanwick Bay on the left is part of the settlement of Coles Bay. There is a boat ramp here, so it is quite easy for the local people to cross over in their boats.
7/ This view was taken from further along. It looks across Swanwick Bay from near the car park.
8/ This image shows you the typical beach house of Coles Bay and the beautiful views they enjoy.