1/ Maria Island is on the east coast of Tasmania. It has Darlington, the second largest convict settlement after Port Arthur. This was later a whaling station and many restored buildings remain. Maria Island also has a large enchanting national park with many native animals and birds including the endangered Tasmania Devil.
2/ This is a view of Darlington the old convict town. Many of its buildings have been restored, giving the town a very historic look. Animals and birds wander around the deserted buildings.
3/ Near Darlington are the ruins of the old whaling station.
3/ These cottages were once the homes of the free settlers of Darlington.
4/ This barracks once held the British garrison of Maria Island.
5/ The Commissionary store was once the most important place on the Island. Note the Cape Barren Geese in front. They are profuse all over the Island.
6/ A lonely historic barn is graced with a divine rainbow. Maria Island really is an enchanting place.
7/ Maria Island is a wild life haven. Once these Cape Barron Geese were eaten by the settlers.
9/ Wombats are also common on the Island, but you have to look hard to find them.
10/ Kangaroos blend into the background. You often only notice them when they move.
11/ The cemetery had some interesting stories to tell.
12/ This grave of a maori may be of historic significance.
13/ This photo is looking towards the famous painted cliffs. You have to be lucky to have the tide and sun in your favour to take good photos of them.
14/ Sunset over Maria exemplifies the serenity that make the Island an enchanting place to visit.