Bridestowe & Nabowla
- Nabowla
1/ Scottsdale is in north east Tasmania. The beautiful Bridestowe Lavender Farm is located only 15 minutes west of Scottsdale.
2/ The Bridestowe Lavender Farm has a well equipped shop and restaurant, which even sells lavender ice cream.
3/ The view back to the farm gives some idea of the size of the farmed area.
4/ The view to the east looks towards Mt Stronach on the right.
5/ This view towards Mt Stronach shows how the fields change with the harvest pattern.
6/ The south view looks towards the Sideling Range.
7/ This image shows what the fields look like after the harvest of the lavender.
8/ The lavender fields present very interesting combinations of colour and geometry. They also smell of lovely lavender.
9/ The view shows recently harvested rows of lavender. The green makes a great contrast to the purple to the right.
10/ The image shows the same view in 2020.
11/ This view shows another example of colour and geometry in lavender.
12/ This view shows the pond at the edge of the property.
1/ Scottsdale is in north eastern Tasmania. This photo shows King Street and George Street, which are the main shopping streets of the town. Scottsdale has a number of interesting old buildings in this area.
2/ The Uniting Church is an attractive old church in central King Street, Scottsdale.
3/ The Beulah BB of Scottsdale has almost fairyland, Victorian colors and lines.
4/ Like many Tasmanian towns Scottsdale has its own old mechanics institute.
5/ These grand, old palm trees dominate the lower King Street skyline of Scottsdale.
6/ This attractive Victorian building was probably once a shop cum house.
7/ The Scottsdale Hall is a grand, old Victorian building and now houses the tourist information office.
8/ The hall portico proclaims that it was built in 1881.
9/ A classic Victorian building, the Lords Hotel, dominates the King Street and George Street Corner of Scottsdale.
10/ The Forest Ecocentre is on the eastern end of Scottsdale. It tells the story of logging in the area.
11/ The land near Scottsdale is both picturesque and highly productive.
12/ This is the view from the Sideling Lookout looking east towards Scottsdale.
13/ This is the historic church at Springfield. Behind it is a cemetery. Springfield is just a few kilometres north of Scottsdale.
14/ This old house was once owned by a leading personality in the Springfield area.
1/ Nabowla is a hamlet west of Scottsdale. It was a much larger town in the 19th Century, when it was the entry point for the nearby Lisle gold field. This photo shows the railway station at Nabowla. Trains no longer use this line. There are no shops at Nabowla.
2/ This house in Nabowla may have once been a hotel.
3/ This is the late 19th Century town hall of Nabowla.
4/ This is a former school, which is now a home.
5/ This old church has now also become a home.
6/ This is the cemetery south of Nabowla. The building was once a school.
7/ There are rich meadows near Nabowla. This photo shows the lovely views you get, when the sun penetrates through the clouds.
8/ This photo shows the rich meadow lands of Nabowla.
9/ This photo was taken on the old road to Nabowla. It shows Mount Arthur in the distance.