INFORMATION on this website is intended to inspire in others the author's enthusiasm for exploring Tasmania. The information is of a general nature only and is not meant to be all inclusive. It is presented in a way that reflects the author's values and is based solely on the author's own knowledge, perceptions and experience.
Persons wishing to act on the information supplied should make their own enquiries, particularly with regard to personal safety.
Information about track and road conditions, accommodation venues and tourist experiences, which are changing all the time, would be welcomed by the author.
Viewers should also note that the appearance of a product or service on this website does not imply endorsement by the author.
PHOTOGRAPHS, MAPS and TEXT remain the property of Anthony Van Tongeren or other authors where cited. This means that no material appearing on these pages may be used without the written permission of the author concerned.
PERSONS APPEARING IN PHOTOS have given their permission for publication. Any unknown persons appearing in public venue photos should contact the author, if they do not wish to appear, in which case the offending image will be promptly erased.