1/ Smithton is the commercial hub of the north west of Tasmania. This photo shows Emmett Street, the heart of the CBD. It has a mixture of old and new buildings.
2/ There are a number of attractive, Victorian era buildings in Smithton like the ANZ bank.
3/ Just beyond the Smithton CBD were some interesting streets.
4/ This attractive building is now the Aboriginal Centre of Smithton.
5/ Smithton is a hilly town with some interesting old houses.
6/ This photo shows King Street looking down west towards the Duck River.
7/ Near the Smithton CBD is Anzac Park, which has a variety of interesting trees. It which looks down into the town and is a good place to relax.
8/ Anzac Park contains the war memorial. Note how hilly Smithton is.
9/ Near the Duck River is the McCain vegetable packing factory. This is one of the largest in Tasmania. It serves the large vegetable industry of the North West.
10/ Near McCain's is Tasmanian Seafoods. First class seafood is caught off the north west coast of Tasmania and is processed at Smithton.
11/ Smithton was founded as a port on the Duck River. It is used by a large number of fishing and pleasure boats. Note the Smithton Bridge in the distance.
12/ Just across the Duck River is the old Bridge Hotel.
13/ This photo looks North up the Duck River and shows the old port area of Smithton.
14/ This photo looks south from the bridge towards the rich farm lands south of Smithton.
15/ The yellow building is the home of the Sea Scouts. The Sea Scouts teach young people important boating skills. On the horizon is Duck Bay.
16/ This photo shows the extreme tidal range of the Duck River at Smithton. Note how the boats are stranded in the mud at low tide.
17/ This photo shows the park at the end of the Duck River. It looks towards Duck Bay.
18/ East of the Smithton CBD is a lookout from where you can see Duck Bay, which is north of Smithton. On the horizon you can see Three Hammock Island, which is an important nature reserve.