STANLEY & Dip Falls
- The Nut
- Stanley
- Highfield
- Dip Falls
1/ Stanley is a historic town on the north west coat of Tasmania. The Nut dominates the historic, port town of Stanley. It is about 200 metres high and about one kilometre long. To the left of the Nut on the horizon, you can see Rocky Cape.
2/ The northern approach to Stanley is down Green Hills Road, which is lined with lovely Norfolk pines. To the left of the road is Godfreys Beach.
3/ There is a cafe at the base of the Zig Zag Track, which takes you to the top of the Stanley Nut. There is also a chairlift for those who don't want to do the climb.
4/ This is the view from the top of the chair lift. Beyond it is Stanley town. The chairlift was not operating that day, due to the heavy winds.
5/ This sign at the start of the Zig Zag Track gives important information about the walk.
6/ The track around the Nut at Stanley is about 2 kilometres long and it is well marked. This photo shows the view from near the Tatlows Beach lookout.
7/ This view shows you the steep 200 metre drop to the sea below. A cloud of fog can be seen approaching the Nut from the east.
8/ This is a telephoto view of Rocky Cape taken from near the Rocky Cape Lookout.
9/ To my surprise I discovered that there was a small, forest grove hidden in a shallow valley. This protected its trees from the heavy winds. Elsewhere on the Nut you only see bushes.
10/ This photo shows the track passing through the grove. There were many wallabies in this grove.
11/ This photo shows the southern part of Stanley near Tatlows Beach.
12/ This shows the view down from the Fisherman's Wharf Lookout. The size of the vehicles shows you the height. Stanley once housed a much larger fishing fleet than it does today.
13/ This is the view from the Highfield Lookout. On the horizon beyond Godfreys Beach, you can see the historic Highfield Estate. Below are the church and the cemetery of Stanley.
1/ Stanley is a historic town with much to see besides the Nut. This photo shows Main Road, Stanley, which is the old commercial area of the town.
2/ On Main Road Stanley you will find restaurants, galleries and boutique shops.
3/ This old hotel looks down on the residential area of Stanley.
4/ The shops on Main Road have been restored to their 19th Century glory.
5/ This photo shows the variety of quaint 19th Century shops that you will discover in Stanley.
6/ This photo shows a restored, former 19th Century bank building in Stanley.
7/ This old emporium shows that Stanley was once a thriving port town.
8/ Next to the Emporium is this genuine, Victorian post office with an old telephone box outside it.
9/ The streets of Stanley are replete with pretty Victorian cottages. The Nut is just to the left.
10/ Many of Stanley's cottages border onto the base of the Nut.
11/ This photo shows cottages on Alexander Avenue. Behind them is the Nut. The cottage of the Tasmanian Prime Minister Lyons is in this street.
12/ This quaint church is near the Stanley Cemetery. Beyond it is Godfrey's Beach.
13/ Stanley Cemetery is replete with ancient graves. It looks down on Godfreys Beach.
14/ The dock area was once the industrial heart of the town. Here you can see the old railway station.
15/ In the dock area you will find this cafe from where you book the famous Stanley Seal Cruise.
16/ Hursey's Seafoods is a great place to sample fresh lobster caught by the Stanley fishing fleet.
17/ The Stanley docks is a large area, as once the fishing fleet was much larger than it is today. It lies at the foot of the Nut.
18/ Behind these two boats you can see the large green Sea Aquarium building, which is well worth a visit. Beyond it is the edge of the Nut.
19/ The historic Cable Station is some kilometres from Stanley town. It now caters for guests.
20/ From the Cable Station you can see this spectacular views of Bass Strait.
1/ The Highfield Historic Estate overlooks the Nut and the town of Stanley. It was very recently restored and gives a good insight into life in the 19th Century.
2/ This photo shows the estate from the opposite Stanley side.
3/ This path was the master's approach to Highfield. Once horse transport carried people to the front door and then continued on to the stable to the right.
4/ This was the servants' approach to the Highfield Estate. It leads straight into the working area.
5/ Just beyond the servants' gate was this cottage of a free settler. Note how it is decorated by two graceful, old palms.
6/ This photo shows the court yard of the Highfield Estate. Much work was done in the barns and the stable. This view could be straight out of the 19th Century.
7/ This photo shows a barn on the edge of the Highfield Estate. Note the derelict equipment.
8/ A horse graises in a paddock of the Highfield Estate. To me the scene looked like a 19th Century painting. Only the metal gate to the right is out of time.
9/ These two Georgian cottages near the Highfield Estate are now restored and leased to tourists.
10/ This photo shows a ruin near the Highfield Estate. It proves that many buildings have not survived the centuries. There were once many other buildings on the estate.
11/ This photo looks out from the great house over the former lands of the Highfield Estate.
1/ Dip Falls is a large water fall about 40 kilometres south east of Stanley. Just beyond the falls is a eucalyptus forest with giant trees. Both attractions are very easy to access.
2/ The creek at the top of the Dip Falls is deceptively calm.
3/ You must walk down a long flight of stairs to get to the base of the Dip Falls. However, there is an easy viewing platform at the top of the falls for those less intrepid.
4/ This is the torrent pouring down the upper falls. This photo was taken from the upper viewing platform. Note the full grown trees to the left. This fall is about 60 metres.
5/ This photo shows a distant view of the lower falls. Note the figure on the right standing close to the fall for a size comparison.
6/ The lower falls are about 20 metres. You can see the upper falls in the distance in the middle. Note that this photo was taken when the flow was quite small.
7/ This is the creek at the base of the lower falls. The water meanders off as a gentle stream.
8/ Just one kilometre south of Dip Falls is the easy walk to the giant eucalypt trees.
9/ The photo shows a fallen giant disappearing into the forest. Note the saplings and man ferns beside it for a size comparison.
10/ Near the giant were these two impressive giant eucalypt monarchs.
11/ This is the base of the forest giant. The two figures should help you to appreciate its size.
12/ This is the awesome view to the canopy above of a giant tree near Dip Falls. The tree top is about 80 metres skyward above the base platform.